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Eagle Brand Lemon Cream Pie Recipe

Easy step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions on how to make the Eagle Brand Lemon Cream Pie, with printable recipe.

Lemon Cream Pie, slider.

Lemon Cream Pie recipe, made with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk.

This is another really easy to make pie that you can put together in no time, but it does need to cool and chill for a couple of hours before you dig into it.

Mike from Denver, was raised in Louisiana, and is a subscriber to our Newsletter. He recently found our home on the Internet and wanted to share a recipe for Lemon Pie. Mike says “if your old socks have lemon on them, I think I could eat them.” I think he likes lemon – and condensed milk. Smile.

In his email, Mike said to mix the eggs, lemon juice and milk together then pour it in the pie shell. He didn’t say anything about baking it. I wanted to be sure that’s the way he made it so I emailed him back.

Mike says he’s 72 years old, has been eating the pie for ages, and he’s still kicking.

The website for the Eagle Brand Milk recipe calls for baking the pie, so in the interest of keeping you safe, I decided to bake this one. You can thank me later. Smile.

True, mixing lemon juice with the egg yolks does “cook” the eggs so they are safe to consume, but I just wanted to follow the recipe from the label. It only takes a few extra minutes and you don’t have to be concerned about having raw eggs in the pie.

Thank you Mike, for suggesting this really great pie. Lemon Pies are a favorite of mine as well.

So, if you’re ready to bake one of your own, then let’s head out to the kitchen, and… Let’s Get Cooking.

Lemon Cream Pie, you'll need these ingredients.

Lemon Cream Pie recipe. You’ll need these ingredients.

I’m going to make my own whipped cream with the Heavy Cream you see pictured here, but you can easily top it with one of the ready made whipped creams if you prefer.

Lemon Cream Pie, separate the yolks.

First, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

I’m using an old Tupperware egg separator that’s been in the family for ages. I think it was a freebie given out by Tupperware years back. Works pretty good though. Smile.

Lemon Cream Pie, place the egg yolks in a mixing bowl.

Place the egg yolks in a medium sized mixing bowl. Yep, I broke one.

Lemon Cream Pie, beat lightly with an electric mixer.

Beat the yolks with an electric mixer for about 30 seconds. Just to break them up good.

Lemon Cream Pie, squeeze the lemons.

Next, squeeze the lemons to remove the juice.

I picked up this vintage lemon juicer at an auction a couple of years back. I think I have a couple of them and they also work pretty good.

Place the lemon on your counter top before you slice it open. Press down on the lemon with the palm of your hand and roll it back and forth to help soften it up. You’ll get a bit more juice that way.

Remove any seeds so they don’t end up in your pie.

Lemon Cream Pie, add the condensed milk to the eggs.

Empty the can of condensed milk into the bowl with the egg yolks.

Lemon Cream Pie, add the lemon juice.

Add the lemon juice.

Lemon Cream Pie, mix together well.

Use your mixer and mix everything together until it’s all fully combined.

Lemon Cream Pie, pour mixture into pie crust.

Pour the mixture into your pie crust shell.

Lemon Cream Pie, baking time and temp.

Place the pie on the middle rack of your oven and let it back for about 30-35 minutes until it sets.

The center of the pie should only “jiggle” slightly when moved once it’s fully baked.

Lemon Cream Pie, cool on a wire rack for one hour.

Remove the pie from the oven when done and place it on a wire rack to cool for one hour.

Once it’s cooled, the pie should be placed in the refrigerator and allowed to chill for 3 more hours.

Lemon Cream Pie, decorate as desired with whipped cream.

Decorate as desired, or just spread the whipped topping or whipped cream over the pie before you slice and serve it.

Try not to be too impressed with my decorating skills, or the fact that my crust may have got a bit browned while in the oven. It turned out to be delicious in spite of both. Smile.

Lemon Cream Pie, enjoy.


Please note: This pie was made using a regular Graham Cracker Crust. If you prefer to use the Deep Dish Crust and make a thicker pie, prepare the recipe per the instructions but use 5 Egg Yolks, 2 cans of Sweetened Condensed Milk and 1 cup of Lemon Juice. Bake as directed.

This recipe is the property of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. The photos and step-by-step instructions for making it are my own.

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